
5 Benefits of a Daily Skin Care Routine

Regularly caring for your skin goes a long way to helping you look your best. And yet it’s more than that. Skin care helps you grow your confidence and feel good about yourself. We recommend having a daily routine for your skin.

Some people don’t undertake healthy skin activities each day. Their routine is usually to do something a couple times a week, or maybe just whenever the skin starts to look bad. But we want to tell you about the benefits have having a daily skin care routine. We’ll show you how this can affect your appearance and your confidence in a positive way.

Your Skin will face Daily Wear and Tear

There are two main reasons why our skin needs daily care. The first is because of the dirt and grime we encounter every day. That needs to be cleaned regularly. Otherwise it can block pores, leading to break outs, and oily skin as your body tries to flush out the toxins by itself.

The second reason is de-hydration. This is caused by simply losing moisture through your skin over the course of the day, from sweat or heat. This moisture will often need replenishing to keep your skin healthy. If you don’t moisturise, your skin may over produced its natural oils to hydrate your skin which can result in oily skin.

Both of these causes of wear and tear on the skin occur daily. So you’re better off taking care of your skin on a daily basis as well. Keep on top of the damage your skin endures and deal with it as it happens. This will keep your skin looking fresh and healthy.

Daily Skin Care is More Effective than a Skin-Care Binge

We all forget to take care of our skin sometimes. But what do you do if a sudden pimple shows up? Or your skin gets flaky and dry? You might find yourself suddenly using every product you own and doing everything you can to fix it! Unfortunately, a skin-care binge is not a healthy solution for your skin. In fact, it can put too much strain on your skin and wear it out even more in the long run. Too much product all at once can alter the balance in your skin’s natural composition. Your skin will be much healthier if you take care of it consistently. After all, healthy habits are always more effective than a healthy binge.

Skin Looks Healthier when Consistently Cared For

Healthy skin makes a big difference in your appearance. It can make you look younger, and allows for your natural beauty to shine through more clearly. If you start a daily skin care routine, you may be frustrated if you don’t see results right away. Usually it takes from three weeks to three months for your skin to clear up or your products to work. And sometimes people stop doing their routine once it does clear up. So remember to be consistent with it in both cases. The best part of having clear, healthy skin is when you spot yourself unexpectedly. When you pass through a bathroom and see yourself, it can give a positive sense of surprise. This little burst of confidence can be a welcome addition of joy spread throughout your day.

Improves Mindset

Daily skin care helps to put you in a positive mindset. It’s easy to forget how important it is to keep our mind in a strong place. Our mindset affects everything we do, yet we so often neglect to maintain it. When you start your day with skin care, it positions your mindset into a place of confidence. Just the act of skin care will give you a sense of empowerment in yourself. You look beautiful. You feel strong. And a daily skin care routine can help you present yourself to the world with that surety and confidence.

Practice Self-Care

We encourage all our clients to practice self-care. We want you to take care of your physical health, as well as your emotional and mental health too. Your skin-care is part of your self-care practice. In fact, it’s a BIG part. Starting and ending the daily with skin care will send yourself the message that you are a priority. You are worth taking care of. You are proving to yourself that you are beautiful. You’re also investing time and energy into your own personal beauty. You have a beauty like no one else in the world. You are unique. No one looks like you. So when you invest in your own beauty, you’re saying you’re proud to be you. And that’s something we should all practicing saying.

We hope this has inspired you to practice a daily skin care routine. If you need some advice on what products to use, you can check out our blog on skin care products. You can also speak to one of our nurses to have a skin assessment and get specific and personalised advice just for you.